Sunday, November 24, 2013

"But the very hairs of your head are numbered."

I've been doing a lot of traveling lately; a marriage retreat, the AMEN (Adventist Medical Evangelism Network) annual conference and other places. It seems every where I go, I've had this same question posed to me; "Aren't you (fill in the blank with any random name)?", or "Aren't you related to.....?".  Each time I smile and say, "No, I think you're mistaking me for someone else."  I can always see it coming.  A person, who is completely unknown to me, is smiling or waving from across the room.  When I give them that common courtesy smile (I try to always smile back and be friendly), and not a,"hey, I haven't seen you in years!" smile, they come over and ask the inevitable question.  When I finally convince them that I really DON'T know them, they proceed to tell me how I look JUST like (blank)!  I could be their twin sister! This has been going on since my college days. I've come to terms with the fact that I have a pretty common face. These confused individuals are usually just a tad embarrassed that they have been waving at a complete stranger.  By now, I'm used to this and really don't mind; it's an interesting way to meet new people.

As I have been thinking about these incidents, it has made me very thankful that my Heavenly Father doesn't confuse me with anyone! I never have to say,  "Father, I think you have me mixed up with someone else. My name is LeShel." He knows my beginning and my end.  He know my name and the number of hairs on my head.  And right now, He is in heaven pleading my case.  Amen!