Saturday, February 21, 2009


Finally, I have had success making biscuits! No, really, you don't understand. I have never been able to make biscuits that haven't been flat, hard, hockey pucks. No matter how hard I've tried.

Round Biscuit Cutters by Alain Caste

Well, Friday was my redemption day! Previously, I read an article about making the perfect biscuits. Well, I followed their advice about shifting the flour before adding all the other ingredients, using a light hand when kneading, pricking the dough with a fork before cutting them out, and not twisting the biscuit cutter when pushing it into the dough. And you know what? It works when you follow the directions! Go figure! I had biscuits that were not flat, and they were light and flaky! Well, okay, light might be pushing it. When are biscuits ever "light"? I was so excited, I had to blog about it! Whooohooo!
Oh, and P.S. the doughnut recipe is on the way....


  1. I know what you mean. I had a hard time learning to make decent biscuits too. Must be a family thing.

  2. Ok, now I need the recipe you use so I can try it!
