Monday, December 29, 2008

Two Candles by Keith Levit

In the morning, when I do my devotional and spend time in prayer, I ask the Lord to show me how to let my light shine for Him. I praise the Lord that He answers my prayers even when I least expect it.

Every year, my dear hubby's clinic does their Christmas dinner at a local restaurant. This year we enjoyed talking with co-workers and others from the corporate office who we don't see too often. One of dear hubby's co-workers, who sat across from us at the large table brought a friend to the dinner. Near the end of the evening, the friend came to speak with us. She said she had to come over and meet us, because she had been watching us all evening, and could see such a peace about us, that she couldn't wait for a moment to introduce herself. Later, as everyone was leaving, she returned to say how happy she was to have met us, and asked us to pray for her. We assured her that we would do just that. I know nothing about "Kim" or her life, but you can be sure that she is part of my morning prayers from now on!

Thank you Lord for that peace and for living in dear hubby and me so that our lights shine, even when we don't even realize it.


  1. While you are at it... add me too. This was a really rough year.

  2. You got it! I will be keeping you in prayer too. It's my pleasure.
