Thursday, June 16, 2011

Where has the time gone?

My dear hubby and I recently celebrated our 5 year anniversary in Washington DC. What a fun trip. We went to the zoo, toured the museums had a wonderful anniversary dinner and visited family. All the while, we marveled at how time flies. We have experienced great times and challenging times. As we looked back, we could say, without a doubt, God has led! Praise His name!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Never say never.....

Those that know me well, will be shocked, maybe even speechless. Yes, me, the girl that loves pasta and all things Italian. Yes, I know, the one whose favorite restaurant revolves around cheesecake. Yes me. I can't believe it myself:

I bought a cookbook on raw cuisine.

Now before you go running out of the room screaming, let me explain. Or first, let me make a statement. The Lord is so good to me. He grows me one small step at a time. So slowly sometimes that when I really stop and look around, I can't believe how far I've come! If you were to tell me 5 years ago, well, not even that long ago, maybe 2 years ago that in the near future I would be interested enough in a raw diet to spend money on a cookbook, I would have looked around to see who you were addressing. That would never be me...or so I thought.

Little by little I have come to accept and even enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Who would have ever thought LeShel would give up chocolate, cheesecake, burgers and ice cream! Not me, that's for sure. And not only give them up, but enjoy vegetarian and then vegan substitutes for them. Wow! So now I am exploring a raw diet. I'm not at a point where I want to go all raw, but I want to explore how I can incorporate more raw dishes into my diet. Now I know I can just go grab a carrot and chomp down, or an apple and feel quite satisfied that I've added more raw foods into my diet, but I want more. I'm looking into how I can go beyond a salad or a single fruit or vegetable for a meal. It's a learning adventure and I'm excited to see what I find out. It helps that my dear hubby is all for any changes that promote better health. He found it quite amusing that I walked out of the book store saying, "who would've thought that me, LeShel, would be buying a book like this?"

The next thing I must say is this is a very personal journey. What I learn is for me. If someone asks, I'll be happy to share, but only if they want to know. I don't do well when others tell me that where they are in their journey, is where I should be also. I'm sure I'm not alone in that feeling. Like I said in the beginning, the Lord is growing me slowly, and I appreciate that. He knows my pace and what I can handle. The Lord knows your pace also, but I don't. I'll leave the work of growing you to Him.

So, here I go. I'm taking the first tentative steps in this new journey. Who knows where it will lead me? Only the Lord knows, and I'm okay with that.

Monday, March 14, 2011

No Problem!

Yesterday, a dear friend succumbed to Leukemia and went to sleep in Jesus. All who knew her are heartbroken at the loss.

Today I have spent much time thinking about Judy, smiling over some of her sayings, remembering the fun times we spent together and praying for her husband and adult children. I have also been thinking about what her husband said yesterday afternoon when we met with him for prayer and support. When they recognized that they had very little time left together, he wanted to know if she had any fears or worries or if she was resting in the assurance of God's love and salvation. He needed to know. He asked her if she was ready. Her answer to him was "No problem". She had wrestled and worked it out with the Lord. She had her time of trouble, and she came through with peace. There were no problems between her and the Lord. I want to reach that point. I want to be able to say, "No problem". So today, as I pray for the family, I pray for myself. I want to rest in God's love and salvation no matter what He allows to come my way. How about you? Can you say, "No problem"?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Get It Together!

What's my routine? What am I supposed to be doing?

I'm trying to get into a regular purposeful routine, but am having a bit of difficulty. Why? My husband is now back to work, and boy is he busy! For almost 2 years, he was with me during the day. While for some people, that would drive them crazy, I enjoyed the time we spent together. So not only is he back to work and busy, we are in a different town 7 hours from our family, community and church family. Don't get me wrong, I AM praising the Lord for the doors He has opened. We reside in a beautiful marsh/ocean view home, in a small coastal community, business at my husband's clinic is picking up and we have a new church family that is very friendly and welcoming. However, there are some challenges here. I'm without a garden to work in because this isn't our home (I'm pretty sure the wild hogs, raccoons and squirrels would dig up anything I planted anyway). When I go to the gym around the corner from our house, I most often work out by myself. I can easily spend the whole day without seeing a single soul until my husband returns home. I realize this isn't being community and evangelism minded, so I'm trying to find my niche. I enjoy my days, I just want them to be meaningful. At times I've found myself puttering around the house not using my time wisely, and then being remorseful upon reflection.

If you thought this post was going to have the answers already figured out... sorry! I'm working through this even as I post.

When I stand before my Father, I want Him to see that I have done my best to further His kingdom, in my tiny corner of the world and not spent the time indulging self. There are enough people out there doing that now; I don't want to join them.

"Father, help me to see today as a blessing from you. Once it's gone, it's gone. I don't have to rock the world, I just want my days to have meaning. I want to rightly represent You and to be satisfied in the end, knowing I've done my best."